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Full Year Inflation

Posted by knockshallbeopened on May 28, 2015
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Full-year inflation will be -0.2%. Singapore will remain gripped by deflation for the rest of 2015, with low energy prices and slowing economic growth. A set of policy measures continue to weigh Consumer Price Index down of which include real estate market cooling measures). The Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) latest Survey of Professional forecasters showed that analysts expect the headline CPI-All Items inflation to register at -0.2% in 2015, compared to 0.0% in the previous survey. Meanwhile, the MAS Core Inflation figure is expected to remain positive at 0.5%, below the 1% in the previous survey. Singapore entered its ninth consecutive month of negative inflation in July, with the headline figure coming in at -0.4% year-on-year.

Comments : How does this affect investors’ appetite to invest further into new condo launch in the property market where new launch condo continue to roll out into the market?


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